Teaching Parts of Speech to ESL students using charts

Teaching Parts of Speech in ESL – Charts and Reference Guide

Using anchor charts to talk about Parts of Speech is the perfect grammar reference to keep on your classroom walls, project on the whiteboard or add to student notebooks. Students can reference the visuals to improve their understanding of the Parts of Speech and as a result they’ll improve:

  • comprehension
  • writing skills
  • speaking skills

These functional notebook grammar charts are an amazing addition to the learning process. When I think back to my elementary school days, I can actually remember with detail what my classrooms looked like. ESL students are constantly in need of a reference point and can use notebook cheat sheets all year in their writing assignments and speaking activities. Having a constant visual reminder of a specific grammar point, skill or vocabulary list is a great way to reinforce passive learning and help students build their skill sets.

THE parts of speech – simplified for esl

Parts of Speech ESL student notebook reference Visual charts for teaching grammar in the ESL classroom

WHAT PARTS OF SPEECH are included in these cheat sheets?

I’ve carefully created a colorful visual representation for each of the parts of speech below. As a visual learner, I’ve always found charts and graphs to be the most useful way to organize information (even language learning information). Additionally each chart is available in full color or a B/W less ink printing option.

  • A noun is a word that names person, place, concept, or object
  • Adjectives are the words that describe nouns. If more than one adjective is being used in a sentence, there is a specific order they should be used in.
  • Pronouns are the words you substitute for specific nouns when the reader or listener knows which specific noun you’re referring to. 
  • Verbs are words that describe actions, feelings or states of being.
  • An adverb is a word that describes an adjective, a verb, or another adverb. 
  • Conjunctions make it possible to build complex sentences that express multiple ideas. There are two types of conjunctions: subordinating and coordinating
  • Interjections – short exclamations inserted into a sentence
  • WH + question word (relative pronouns)
  • Prepositions -links a noun to another word

To take a closer look as these cheat sheets and exactly what is included in the set click here PARTS OF SPEECH CHEAT SHEETS


Verb charts are a great way to explain Irregular verbs, Regular verb ending sounds and verb conjugation. Grab this FREE Irregular verb chart which outlines how Past Tense verbs can be studied by “group”. Instead of giving your students a long list of verbs to memorize, this grouping breaks down the changes from Present to Past into easily manageable categories. I’ve found that students are much less intimidated by these groupings then when presented with an enormous three column list. The verb chart by group is a sneak peek of the VERB TENSE CHEAT SHEETS resource. You can also learn more about resource for teaching irregular verbs HERE in the blog post about Irregular verbs made easy which talk s about different ways to practice using the past tense with ESL language learners.

Irregular verbs by word group for ESL student notebook reference chart

Grab this FREE chart to start teaching Irregular verbs by group. it will be sent straight to your inbox in full color and B&W!

You can also purchase the entire set by clicking HERE

Happy teaching,

