Valentine's Day bookmarks student gift for Valentine's Day

Fun, Free, Printable Valentine’s Day Bookmarks that will make your class love you even more!!

These Valentine’s bookmarks are so easy to create! Hopefully it’s not the day before Valentine’s Day and you are frantically scrambling for an activity to do with your kids/class! Even if it is, these will work great for you! By clicking here to sign up for my monthly newsletter, you’ll get this freebie sent right to your inbox! We hope you’ll stick around and join us every month for new tips, freebies and resources designed for parents and teachers alike!

What’s required?

  1. printer
  2. card stock or colored printer paper (astrobrights work great)
  3. crayons, colored pencils or markers
  4. scissors
  5. laminating pouches if you want to laminate the traditional bookmarks

Here is my inspiration for this resource! Moms and teachers everywhere – gather around! I hate dog eared pages! Thumbing through one of our favorite “chapter books” about kindness, I found this wonderful crease! (See pink arrow). I just hate them and I thought that I might as well create a little Valentine’s Day bookmark for my son. Then I decided to make it more interactive with an Origami version too!
(If a 5 year old can do it- so can you!)
